Shamanic Workshops

A Day with the Crystalline Councils & Shaman Manin

Sunday May 25 & June 29 at the Amethyst Center

We never know what to expect when Shaman Manin pays a visit but it’s always enlightening and a VERY intense healing experience!

Some of her teachings include:     
  • Letting crystals support your work             
  • Activating your crystals         
  • Crystal healing sequences, grids & attunements.
  • Teach crystals to sing the beautiful melodies from the Universe
  •  Set up of your sacred space and meditation areas with crystals.
  •  Creating medicine wheels and sacred geometry that directs & focuses           your programmed energies, even when you are not present.
  • Combining aromatherapy, sound, energy medicine, crystals and intent for healing.
Rev. Mignon Manin Erixon-Stanford brings extensive knowledge of healing therapies and spiritual practices. She is a Shaman, vibrational & spiritual healer, pastoral counselor and ordained Minister in Virginia. Shaman Manin specializes in crystal therapies, soul retrieval, remembering past lives, releasing karmic issues and deconditioning traumas. She receives stellar energies (attunements) and vibrationally enhances images with the energies received.  Originally from Panama, Manin has traveled throughout Central and South America, studying and networking with other Shamans from Peru, Bolivia, Panama, and the United States. Shaman Manin aided us in clearing non-beneficial entities from the Peaks of Otter. She works as a  galactic ally  for Mother Earth and with  Azurae Windwalker on major Earthkeeping projects at Serpent Mound OH, in Bedford Co. and in Northern VA.
Shaman Manin is able to communicate with animals, minerals and plants. She facilitates drum and meditation circles.  Manin works with Indigo kids and folks who have attention deficit disorder (ADD), teaching how to apply energy techniques to balance energy movement in the body in order to focus for longer periods of time.    Her vibrational therapies include: Usui Reiki™ Master/Teacher (RM/T), Drisana™ level 7, Nereiya™ level 1, Teleios Technique™, Quantum-Touch™ level 2, Medical Intuitive level 3. Email her at  Phone: 703-501-3311

Sunday, May 25 and June  29  10 am – 3:30 PM. Bring a bag lunch & your crystals to be activated. Soup will be provided. Cost: $80 each. Location: The Amethyst Center, 4443 Quarterwood Rd., Thaxton, VA 24174. Reserve your space w/ Azurae  540-947-2423  Register & pay on line at


Nature Spirit Energy Medicine Practical Shamanism 2014 at the Amethyst Center and other locations (dates included)

Nature Spirit Energy Medicine and Practical Shamanism at the Amethyst Center  w/ Azurae Windwalker
Here in an enchanted  a sanctuary for the Spirit in Nature you'll thrive and heal with the abundant Nature Spirits who live and  collaborate  in harmony with humankind.
Historically many of the herbal healing medicines, acupressure, massage and ceremonial and energy medicines of the Cherokees and other tribes were gifts from the “the Little People,” crystal, herb and tree spirits. This is still true for today. Nature has never left us. We are in Nature and Nature is in us. We just forgot to how to access this information and healing. We have been mesmerized by technology, material concerns and the media who wish us to be dependant, and controlled. Now, more than ever we must stay balanced and grounded as we are assaulted by the incoming energies of solar flares, computers, cell phones, earthchanges and Shift energies.  Nature wishes us to be healthy and free! The closer you get to Nature, the healthier you’ll be! The Amethyst Center is a sanctuary for Nature Spirit Healing.

Azurae is here to help you re-remember your personal Nature Spirit Energy Medicine connection in a five part series of Nature Spirit Energy Medicine Workshops. You’ll learn many techniques that were direct gifts from Nature Spirit to her to be used right now to gently Shift up into higher consciousness and body/mind/spirit health. During the workshops you’ll have direct contact and experiences with the Amethyst Center Earth Angel, Great Tree Spirits, Herbal Allies, Stone Medicine helpers, Fairy Folk & Little People who inhabit this 31 acre sacred land in Bedford Co.

The benefits of mastering Nature Spirit Energy Medicine  include:

·    Clears the energy of disease and emotional disturbances caused by the higher Shift energies pushing  trauma and heavy emotions to the surface. And you find peace of mind!

·    Clears the six Energetic  Epidemics plaguing humanity found by master dowser, Raymon Grace.

·     Aids an easier ascension process into the 5th World of Self Mastery, Harmony, Unity and Cooperation.

·    Clear and raise the vibration of you and your property to a healthy frequency and protect yourself from harmful outside energy intrusions. This increases well being and overall health.

·    You receive teachings and direct healings from the fairy folk, the Little People, the devas, the tree, herb and stone people,  the elements and White Light Masters. Communicate and forge working relations with them.

·    Increase your intuitive awareness. Hone skills for shamanic journey in problem solving, soul retrieval, aura strengthening, Nature Spirit Energy Medicine, clearing trauma, and balancing divine Male/Female energies.

·    Learn how to build a sanctuary for Nature Spirits at home and practice  Earth keeping skills to help Mother Earth!

See the series curriculum for details in further down this newsletter. You may attend at any location.  Wear walking shoes, bring a journey blanket, drum and bag lunch.  Locations: Raleigh,  Asheville NC, Roanoke VA, Northern VA and Charleston WV.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           Investment  $150.  10 am – 6 pm   
Amethyst Center Dates: 
Sat. March 22 - Awakening to Ascension: Techniques and journeys 
                     Sat. May 24 - Medicine Wheel Healing and Herb Spirit Medicine 

July 12 – Crystal medicine and grids for personal and planetary healing                                                    
Aug. 23 – Herb Medicine and Advanced Tree, Deva, Little People and Fairy Folk work
  Nov. 22 - Gateway Healing for Personal and Planetary Ascension
(See the dates for other locations below...Raleigh, Northern VA, Charleston WV, Asheville)

Find out more at   We accept checks, cash and credit cards
Mail your $50 deposit & registration two weeks in advance to:  
 Azurae Windwalker  The Amethyst Center, 4443 Quarterwood Rd., Thaxton VA 24174
 (Between Lynchburg and Roanoke in Bedford Co.)       Pay pal to

To register go to   

Dates in other Locations:
Workshop # 1  Nature Spirit Awakening to Ascension:   Techniques and Journeys
The Amethyst Center near Roanoke Va -  May 24 
Raleigh - Sat. June 7
Northern VA in Wood bridge VA at Shaman Manin's Studio -  Sun.. April 27  
Workshop #2 - Medicine Wheel Healing and Tree Spirit Medicine
Amethyst Center near Roanoke VA  -   Sat., July 12 
 Northern VA - June 1 (field trip)
Raleigh - Sunday,  June 8
Workshop # 3 - Crystal Healing Medicine Wheels and
 Grid  Personal Healing Techniques
The Amethyst Center near Roanoke VA -  Aug. 23 
 Northern VA  -  July 5 
Raleigh - Sat. July 26
Workshop # 4  Healing with the Herbal Medicine Wheel, Devas, Little People, Advanced Tree Spirit Medicine and Nature Spirit Attunements
  Amethyst Center near Roanoke VA - Sat. Sept. 20
 Northern VA -  Sept .13
 Raleigh - Sept. 27
 Workshop #5 - Gateway Healing Ceremony and Angel Attunement
The Amethyst Center near Roanoke VA -  Nov. 22 - 23
Arlington Metaphysical Chapel - Nov. 8-9 
Raleigh - Nov. 15

Curriculum for Nature Spirit Energy

Medicine 2014

Practical Shamanism Techniques and Journeys for Nature Spirit Alignment leading to Earth keeper Initiation - A five part series
with Azurae Windwalker 
Workshop # 1  Nature Spirit Awakening to Ascension:   Techniques and Journeys
with special guest Shaman Manin and a field trip to     White Bear's Cave/Grotto at the Amethyst Center May 24
The Amethyst Center near Roanoke Va  May 24 -
Northern VA in Wood bridge VA at Shaman Manin's Studio -  Sun. April 27  
   Raleigh  -  Sat. June 7

Learn core life changing shamanic techniques for powering up, energetic protection, shamanic journey, clearing negative energies and property protection. Clear heavy trauma holding you back from higher consciousness and communication with the Spirit in Nature, the spiritual masters and angels. Investment for each workshop is $150.

 Core Techniques of Practical Shamanism - Learn to power up, employ circular healing shamanic breath work, balance your brain and protect yourself with highly advanced personal and property psychic shielding techniques that have been directly downloaded from the Little People and Nature Spirit.

Clearing of the Energetic Epidemics – Clearing though shamanic dowsing of the current Shift related energetic epidemic plagues.  If you or friends are acting abnormally these are probably the causes.  Of the six energetic epidemics we will work on - Nature Spirits Strength on Property, Land and your  body, your body or body part’s desire to live,  and balance with  Universal Energy and X energy.

Awakening the Soul to its Perfect Blueprint – White Light Shift Attunement # 1 – The perfected state of your soul blueprint magnetizes ALL healing. Let the high spiritual masters of the White Light Brotherhood, the Chief Healing Angels and Nature Spirit help you recall and recapture your true wholeness. Begin the journey through the 12 White Light Attunements, Shift up, heal and advance your soul ascension process.

Medical Assistance Program with the White Light Brotherhood, the Spirit in Nature, the Chief Healing  Angels and your Higher Consciousness – These entities create all form and healing. This delightful system is used before each workshop to prepare beforehand. Using the system can cure you of many body, mind spirit ills. Nature Spirit gave this system to Machelle Small Wright, author and Perelandra owner. The White Briotherhood Medical  Assistance  Program is our resource book for this.

Core Trauma Release Past Life Journey, Soul Retrieval, Chord Cutting, Spirit Attachments Clearing – White Light Shift Attunement #2– The high Shift energies are pushing trauma to the surface to be cleared. Each solar incident reveals more and more layers to be cleared as we ascend up the ladder of soul ascension. So this technique is one that bears repeating often. Divorces, sexual relations, rape, abuse, accidents, and injury from this or from other lives are some trauma causes. The results? Your health, peace and prosperity are stalled.  Soul loss, self-destructive behaviors and self-medication to numb the pain in drugs, alcohol and other addictions are often effects.  And sometimes trauma causes a weakened aura which may attract non-beneficial entities that attach to your holey aura, drain your energy and manipulate your behavior. In this guided shamanic journey we gently clear your trauma and any entity attachments. We time travel and release your original core trauma which began your soul trauma pattern from other lives. Then you a have a fresh beginning learning from your soul history. We also retrieve lost soul parts which have escaped to other dimensions for self protection. We lovingly cut non-beneficial chords to people and events. Thus you easily break non-beneficial patterns. Then your stronger soul can magnetize your soul’s destiny, energy, health, prosperity and over all well being. You can really realize your soul blueprint and be the mighty powerful spiritual being that you are!

Weaving a Rainbow Garment – Strengthening and Refining Your Aura - .A stronger aura means more protection from the numerous non-beneficial energies bombarding us daily and stronger boundaries. The technique also strengthens your connection to Great Spirit, the Sun, the Central Sun, Mother Earth and the Universe. We end with a salute to the heart…the shaman’s doorway. This easy rattle technique is a wonderful addition to your healer’s toolbox!

Sing the Heart Chant – Ah tesh nah hey nah Ah – A hauntingly powerful 20,000 yr. old song which came to the Cherokee form the Pleadians. It brings all Nature including you, into balance.

Shamanic Journey to your Heart Soul Center - .Your soul resides in a very small space inside your heart. When you travel through this shaman’s doorway you experience bliss and oneness with all that is. Prayers from the mind automatically create what you are praying for and the opposite because of duality mind programming. To Shift upward, and create the peace, joy, community and unity of the 5th dimension we nourish our souls and `learn to manifest through the heart soul center.

 Workshop #2 - Medicine Wheel Healing and Tree Spirit Medicine
Amethyst Center near Roanoke VA  -   Sat., July 12 
 Northern VA - Sun. June 1, (field trip)
Raleigh - Sunday,  June 8

The medicine wheel is a metaphor for life, a sacred geometrical healing portal and a soul learning tool.  Using our portable canvas medicine wheel and our student build medicine wheel we experience non-ordinary shamanic healing and meetings with Little People, Fairy Folk and Tree Spirit Medicine enlightenment, right relationships and fun!

Core Techniques of Practical Shamanism - Learn to power up, employ circular healing shamanic breath work, balance your brain and protect yourself with highly advanced personal and property psychic shielding techniques that have been directly downloaded from the Little People and Nature Spirit.

Build a Nature Spirit Altar – It’s easier to work with Nature Spirit if you show your respect in advance. We’ll dowse to find a power spot. Using crystals, the elements, shiny stuff, candy and fairy items (which you bring to class) we build our own special student altar on ground we have prepared with smudging and earth energy work.

Testing your Medicine Wheel of the Four Healing Directions - Learn how to self-muscle test. Walk the directions and see how strong and weak you are in the spiritual, emotional, physical and mental directions.  Benefit from a special shamanic dispensation from the White Light Brotherhood to awaken your Divine Blueprint for wholeness and health with the first White Light Shift Attunement.

Sing the Medicine Wheel Song

Shamanic journey basics on the Medicine Wheel - Journey to solve problems - Walk the medicine wheel and find which direction needs the most work and where you excel.  These are: East- Spiritual, South – Emotional / Relation with Nature Spirit, West - Physical and North – Mental.  Sitting in your direction of Power, we take a shamanic journey. You’re Totems, White Light Brotherhood Healing Team, Nature Spirit, Guides and Enlightened Ancestors can help you to solve complex problems aided by the heartbeat of the drum, Earth Sun Breath work and award winning shamanic journey leader, Azurae Windwalker. Now draw or journal your findings.

  Medicine Wheel Totem Journey of the Four Healing Directions - Retrieve power animals in the four directions of the medicine wheel of spiritual, emotional, physical and material/mental healing.  Communicate with your totem or guide in your direction of power to increase balance, enlightenment, empowerment and self-mastery in your weaker directions. Shamanize to move power from your stronger directions to your weak ones.

☼ Tree of Power Exercise – Various trees have distinctive healing qualities. Find a tree which holds help and healing for your life challenges using dowsing, muscle testing and tree spirit telepathic communication. Offer it a gift and receive permission to work with it. Merge with the Spirit of the Tree.  Attune to its healing qualities. Give thanks. Draw or journal your findings. Then using Nature Speaks by Ted Andrews verify your findings about your trees’ medicine and mission.                                                                                                            
 Sing the Tree of Power Song

Soul Purpose Journey and Ceremony around Your Tree of Power – The intent of this journey is to begin to balance the true needs of your soul by connecting with the plant world. You can do this ceremony as many times as necessary.  Send your energy out and find a tree which holds help and healing for answering the basic questions all souls seek. . You’ll feel an uplifting feeling in your navel which says yes when you find the appropriate tree. Walk around the tree three times and leave a tobacco prayer. Merge with the Spirit of the Tree.  Attune to its healing qualities w/ your back to the tree facing South ask, “Who am I?”  Move clockwise to the west and ask, “Where did I come from?”  Move clockwise to the North and ask, “Why Am I here?”  Move clockwise. Journal or draw as you go. Take your time. Then returning to the direction which had the most power, balance your chakras with the tree.

Spiritual Giveaway – With what you have learned, giveaway the negative energies you have been carrying. The tree will help.  Make your shaman’s stance and claim your good. Leave a gift for the Nature Spirits and the tree. Rejoice in drumming and singing.

Sing the Giveaway song – My magic is my giveaway, my magic is my song. I’ll giveaway my love today. And sing the whole day long!

 Workshop # 3 - Crystal Healing Medicine Wheels and

 Grid  Personal Healing Techniques

The Amethyst Center near Roanoke VA -  Aug. 23

 Northern VA  -  July 5 
Raleigh - Sat. July 26

Using the information gained in workshop #1 and 2, we’ll discover the specific crystals needed for your health and return to balance. Then each student will make a personal medicine wheel. Bring your favorite crystals and extra to share.

Core Techniques of Practical Shamanism – Build good habits as you advance your abilities  to power up, employ circular healing shamanic  breath work, balance your brain and protect yourself with highly advanced personal and property psychic shielding techniques that have been directly downloaded from the Little People and Nature Spirit.

Sing the Crystal of Power song

 Cleansing and empowering your crystals – New to you crystals and ones you have used previously need to be cleared for class. So using breath, selenite, Florida water, smudging and salt we’ll ready ourselves for a delightful crystal adventure.

Crystals of the directions – As each direction of the medicine wheel had specific healing qualities there are stones that match the directional healing.  The Medicine Wheel Workbook by Sunbear is used as a reference.    We will explore this and how it relates to you. (Shop the used books on Amazon to find the workbook if you want more info)

 Grocking your crystal  – Using the same shape shifting technology you used in merging with your tree of power, connect telepathically with your healing crystals. Journal or draw what they tell you, what the qualities are and how you are to use them.

 Crystal Healing for the Gateway Chakras – The highly advanced Gateway Healing system from Chippewa Medicine Woman, No Eyes is revealed in the book Earthways by Mary Summer Rain. This system was given to No Eyes by the Spirit in Nature, the White Light Brotherhood and Enlightened Star Nations for personal and planetary healing and ascension.  Experience stone, metal, herb, and tree spirit chakra layouts and ceremony. This will be done on Amethyst Biomats!

 Stone empowerment – Make a list of Body, Mind, Emotional and Spiritual challenges you are working on. (before class) Using Stone Empowerment – A Resource for the Beginner and the Adept by Jane Hightower we’ll look up the stones that support your condition and muscle test, dowse or intuit  which are best for you.

Cosmic Stress Crystal Net Meditation – The ever changing relationship between the sun, moon and planets cause stress such as disturbed sleep cycles, mood variations and vulnerable feeling that something is not right.  The appropriate crystals can ease these affects.  Using black, green blue and pink tourmaline in a geometric pattern we experience reduced aggravation, irritability and integrate your body’s energy with that of Mother Earth...  

Crystal Grid Meditation to Release Geopathic Stress - The symptom of geopathic stress include insomnia, exhaustion and depression. People w/ high levels of stress will likely be affected more noticeably.  Air and ocean currents, lunar cycles, movements of other planets, meteor showers, comets and solar flares increasingly affect all of us. Plus the natural energy grids on earth interact with landscape and manmade structures creating hot spots that create disturbances and affect health. Crystal Grids containing black tourmaline, hematite, pyrite, copper, aquamarine and turquoise balance, cleanse and protect the energy dynamics of your space and reduce the affects of geopathic stress. So while others are having melt downs you are hardly affected.

Crystal Grid Meditation to clear environmental toxicity from your body - Airborne pollutants of petroleum, pesticides, chemtrails,  cleaning chemicals, preservatives in foods, weed control chemicals are just a few of the challenges we face. Problems these produce are weak immune systems, sleep difficulties, behavior changes, asthma, eczema and chronic fatigue. Moonstone, rose quartz, lapis, aquamarine, sugelite, amethyst, and charoite (choose 3) and 3 clear crystal points are used to detoxify and balance the sacral chakra.  A healthy sacral chakra encourages flexibility of mental processes and relaxation.

Cleansing with the Archangel Michael Flaming Net – This advanced shamanic technique works with Arch angel Michael who throws a net of fire down your body and then up pulls the net from feet to heal clearing non beneficial entities, energies, toxins , errant cellular growth, and even misqualified  DNA . Healers, empaths counselor, nurses, and other sensitive types really benefit from adding this to their daily self care practices.

☼ Sing, Fluting and Drumming with your crystal healers – Giving thanks to all of our crystal helpers we bless them (and us!) with a celebration of music.

☼ Amethyst Biogrid Planetary Healing - Sing, Fluting and Drumming around an altar of all our crystal helpers and the around the world map showing our 65 blessed Amethyst points at power places. We do this in service to our community to send healing, the transmutation of toxins and the upshift of higher consciousness for humankind and all our relations.

Workshop # 4  Healing with the Herbal Medicine Wheel, Devas, Little People, Advanced Tree Spirit Medicine and Nature Spirit Attunements
  Amethyst Center near Roanoke VA - Sat. Sept. 20

 Northern VA -  Sept .13
 Raleigh - Sept. 27
Using information from previous workshops we journey further to attunement with the Spirit in Nature exploring herbs and making our own medicine bundles with our herbal totems.

 Core Techniques of Practical Shamanism – Build good habits as you advance your abilities  to power up, employ circular healing shamanic  breath work, balance your brain and protect yourself with highly advanced personal and property psychic shielding techniques that have been directly downloaded from the Little People and Nature Spirit.

Herbal Medicine Wheel - Meet the plant spirits of the Amethyst Center Medicine Wheel Herb Garden. We have over 70 to choose from. Learn how to telepathically communicate with them and use them with energy medicine for healing. 

Your Herbal Medicine Wheel Shaman’s Bundle – Using muscle testing, dowsing, intuition you choose  and are chosen by your herbal allies from each direction of the medicine wheel. You make a mesa or medicine bundle with your herbs and use it to vision and journey to meet, gain healing from and receive teachings from your herbal allies.

Your Herbal Medicine Bundle Power Song – Using shamanic hearing listen to each herb and receive its tone. Then you can sing its healing frequency to yourself or to clients.  Putting these tones together we make a power song for your medicine bundle. (bring recording devices or use you cell phone recorder)

Building your own Nature Spirit Altar with your crystal, tree, animal and herbal allies. – Bring your power objects and crate your own Sacred Nature Spirit Space.

Sing and Drum the Little People Song – This is a gathering song for attracting the elementals and Little people. It works!

Dancing the Dance to Nowhere – A simple fours steps up and back in front of your altar induces an altered state where you can commune deeply with your allies.  Now do the dance to nowhere to your tree allie!

Nature Spirit Attunement   The Little People and other Nature Spirits with the White Light Brotherhood and Chief Healing angels attune you so that you are really at one with Nature.  Once this is done Nature interacts with you as part of the whole. Animals will no longer be so afraid of you and you’ll find you can communicate with  and work with all the Nature beings much better.

Meeting the Little People and Devas– Download healing and helpful information directly from the higher Devic Realms and from the Little People. Journey into the sacred spring, communicate to them and receive answers.  Strengthen your Little People  telepathic communication skills.  Feel them work with you. An amazing experience for all!

Sing the Medicine Wheel Song

Retest your Medicine Wheel of the Four Healing Directions - Learn how to self-muscle test. Walk the directions and see how strong and weak you are in the spiritual, emotional, physical and mental directions. Record your improvement on your personal  medicine wheel chart.  

A Meeting of the Mesas or Medicine Bundles – Walking the medicine wheel we see where our individual mesas belong and combine our medicines to send healing with drumming, healing chants and singing throughout the Amethyst Biogrid and to the Nature Spirits at the workshop and to those all over the world.

 Workshop #5 - Gateway Healing Ceremony and Angel Attunement

The Amethyst Center near Roanoke VA -  Nov. 22 - 23

Arlington Metaphysical Chapel - Nov. 8-9 

Raleigh - Nov. 15

This beautiful power filled group participation healing way prepares us for really high frequency work with the Spirit in   Nature and for the Upshift of our souls’ evolutionary spiral!  By combining the healing frequencies of colored lights,  candles, music, toning, gateway chakra aromatherapy, herbs, totems, stone people, prayers and Azurae’s gateway healing  shamanic art - The    Gateway Healing Ceremony blasts healing frequencies into the body, mind and spirit for amazing healing and soul  evolution.  It fills your senses with color, sounds healing vibrations and scents!  
The Gateway chakra healing system is a clear complete guide to rituals you need to know to apply the    natural medicine of herbs,  massage, nutrition, stone, color, aromatherapy, totems & sound healing together. Chippewa teacher and visionary, No Eyes, shared these great truths with her apprentice/author, Mary Summer Rain, who wrote of this in Earthway. This system ties together all we have learned. It is an opportunity to be of service to your community and to help the Amethyst Center raise funds for our  Earthkeeping activities. A public event will be planned in the afternoon to share what we have learned during the day. 
Now you can  experience the Gateway Gift of  Healing with the Gateway Altars and through the Gateway Book of Prayers. Many times healing miracles happen at the gateway events!  Using this system helps you and Mother Earth raise our vibrations out of 3rd  dimensional fear reality into 5th dimensional higher consciousness. 

Core Techniques of Practical Shamanism – Build good habits as you advance your abilities  to power up, employ circular healing shamanic  breath work, balance your brain and protect yourself with highly advanced personal and property psychic shielding techniques that have been directly downloaded from the Little People and Nature Spirit.

Scientific Mind Treatment – The scientific mind treatment was invented by Earnest Holmes and is built to pierce the subconscious mind and go direct to Great Spirit. It’s form is much like ancient Native American prayer healing formulas.  Learn how to wrote  this most effective prayer form for yourself and others. 
Scientific Mind Treatment for the Gateways – Read the Scientific Mind treatment for each healing personal and planetary gateway and find the one you are most resonate to. Azurae illustrates the healing for each chakra gateway with shamaic art and they are included with the prayers. You will receive a book which includes all the prayers for your healing and service to others.

Building the Gateway Altars – A healing rainbow is created with colored clothes, healing crystals, herbs, tree medicine, animal medicine, aromatherapy, candles, metals shamanic art and colored lights.  Using this altar we read the prayers and tone with the appropriate sound for each gateway.  The we choose the appropriate Gateway we will represent at the public Gateway Healing Event.
Building an Angel Altar and Nature Spirit Altar - Bring angelic items and your mesas to create a sacred space.
Angel Attunement – Journeying to the above world we receive a White Light Shift Attunement so that we can work with the angels on a deeper and more profound level. Miracles happen!
Public Gateway Healing Event – This is a two hour event where we can serve our larger community and  Mother Earth and practice what we have learned.
☼ Amethyst Biogrid Planetary Healing – Using the very high frequency we have created with all our allies we Sing and Drum around an altar of all our crystal helpers and the around the world map showing our 65 blessed Amethyst points at power places. We do this in service to our community to send healing, the transmutation of toxins and the upshift of higher consciousness for humankind and all our relations.
Says Azurae, “The Shift  energy makes this ceremony even more effective than ever  before! The healing results we can now facilitate for people and the planet are outrageous. Be prepared to make a huge up shift in your personal well-being.”  The  suggested love offering will be $25 but no one will be turned away. (Most of the proceeds will go to purchasing amethysts for the Amethyst Worldwide Bio-Grid and a media teaching center for our Amethyst Barn Conference Center) Included in the price is a Gateway Healing Book of Prayers with Azurae’s Gateway Petroglyph  Shamanic Art.

Drum Making

&Sound Therapy

with Azurae  Windwalker  

in Northern VA at Unity of Fairfax Sat. May  31

 Make your own drum, awaken it as a healing tool. Learn

rhythms & healing techniques for healing self & Mother


Eperience the satisfaction of crafting your own instrument from a shamanic teacher with 25 years experience in drum making and sound therapy drumming. Hundreds now enjoy Tree of Life Drums.  Our drums are very resonating and stay tuned much longer than others in humid weather.  Women  make these easily as the design requires more craftsmanship than strength. In the Sound Therapy Drumming workshop you will learn advanced how to use a variety of drum beats in your practice. And combine your drumming with chanting, energy medicine, sacred geometry, shamanic journey and meditation. Awaken your drum as an instrument of healing in sacred ceremony!. Azurae is a member of the American Women’s  Indigenous Drum Society,  the Red Feather Medicine Singers and former XAT Native American Medicine Society Ceremonialist and Pipe Carrier.

Location: Unity of Fairfax,  2854 Hunter Mill Road, Oakton VA. (703-281-1767)  Times:  Sat. May 31, Drum Making    10 am – 5 pm.   Sound Therapy Drumming   6 – 8 pm.   Make a down payment of $150 two weeks before the workshop (May 16) to buy materials.  Total payment of $250 includes materials, instruction, work book and sound therapy workshop. Attend Sound Therapy Drumming workshop only for $75. Bring a potluck dish to share and sharp scissors.

Send your $150 Deposit  by May 16 in advance  to:                               

Azurae Windwalker,

The Amethyst Center

4443 Quarterwood Rd.

Thaxton VA 24174

 Pay pal & email:                                             

Register w/ credit card at: