Shamanic Workshops

Gateway Transformation Workshop and Ceremony Nov. 22 at the Amethyst Center

 Rise above the chaos of the world........Heal yourself & Mother Earth!
With a Remarkable  Native American System of Body Mind Soul Ceremonial Attunements...The Gateway Transformation!


On Nov. 22, This Uplifting Ceremony & Workshop Rolls Beneficial Energy across Mother Earth, to SW VA, to you and your home and to our nations capitol!


Become a Manifesting Co-creator at the


Gateway Transformation Ceremony and Workshop

Sat. Nov. 22 at the Amethyst Center - in Bedford County VA near Roanoke

A Powerful Nature Spirit Vortex for Personal and Planetary Healing

We need your help as a participant  in a remarkable  earthkeeping and personal healing event at the Amethyst Center because you have the skills and personal power to co-create and manifest transformation for those who attend, for yourself,  for Southwest and Central VA and for our Nations Capitol.  The Gateway Transformation creates a blueprint for more Love, Light, Harmony, Health and Peace for us all! It uplifts the beneficial life frequency for a radius of 300 miles the Amethyst Center! 

A Raleigh participant in the Gateway Transformation said, " What a beautiful experience we created!!!!"  Thank you Azurae Windwalker  for bringing and sharing your wisdom and your love for teaching from the Native American point of    view. And much gratitude for creating such a beautiful space to gather in. The wave of love and  healing is still rolling around the world and planet ! I can feel it !!!”


 In this beautiful power filled co creative workshop and ceremony you assist in manifesting a much healthier and sustainable future for yourself and for Mother Earth.  We are attuned  to work with the Spirit in Nature, Angels and Masters for the Upshift of our souls’ evolutionary spiral and for physical healing! By combining the healing frequencies of colored lights,  candles, music, toning, gateway chakra aromatherapy, herbs, totems, stone people, prayers and Azurae’s gateway healing  shamanic art - The  Gateway Transformation Ceremony  blasts healing frequencies into the body, mind and soul for amazing healing at deep and profound levels.  It fills your senses with color, sounds healing vibrations and scents as angels, spiritual masters and Nature Spirit work together for our whole complete and perfect health. It becomes a doorway into advanced spiritual mastery. As we heal ourselves...mighty healing vibrations also penetrate Mother Earth for her healing. These vibrations travel through our 70 point worldwide Amethyst Biogrid to transmute personal and planetary toxins in the violet flame of Archangel Michael.  And the frequencies elevate the consciousness for all our relations so that we may  all travel the spiral of spiritual mastery.  Please become a Manifesting Earthkeeper! As the Hopi say, "We are the ones we have been waiting for." If not us, Who will create the Shift?

Unity of Roanoke Valley Dec. 21, 2012 doing the Gateway ceremony for 150 people

The Gateway Transformation Ceremony is a clear complete guide to rituals you need to know to apply the    natural medicine of herbs,   nutrition, stone, color, aromatherapy, totems & sound healing all together for maximum results. Chippewa teacher and visionary, No Eyes, shared these great truths with her apprentice/author, Mary Summer Rain, who wrote of this in her book  Earthway. No Eyes received this remarkable healing system from the beneficial Great Star Nations for aiding our Transformation and Shift into a Golden Age of  Harmony, Love and Light. It helps us move from 3rd dimensional fear and drama into 5th dimensional higher consciousness and spiritual mastery. Many miracles have occurred in these ceremonies.  


 Azurae has worked with the  Gateway Transformation System for 35 years. At a spiritual giveaway ceremony led by Chief Kituawa Western Cherokee Medicine Man,  Crosslin Smith, Azurae received Earthways the book which details the system.  After much experimentation and work  she condensed this elegant comprehensive system for transformational healing into a workshop, shamanic art and ceremony.  The Amethyst Center has permanent  altars containing the elements of the system so that just being in our Barn Meeting Center is a healing treatment in itself!   It's very exciting that now you can  experience the Gateway Gift of  Transformational Healing  through ceremony, through the Gateway Book of Prayers and through a workshop which explains how to use the system for your own well being.   Join us for a magical healing experience for yourself and for everyone on Mother Earth!


5 - 6:30 pm Public Gateway Transformation Healing Ceremony
Suggested love offering $20
All are welcome!
Gateway Transformation Workshop/Ceremony      1:30 - 6:30  $75
Includes gateway book of prayers, techniques handouts, Gateway Transformation  Techniques workshop and ceremony
(This is for advanced students who are already shamanic practitioners)  Gateway Transformation Ceremony Shamanic Skill practice of  toning, chanting, gateway prayer,  candle work, aroma therapy, crystal therapy, merging with  the altar angels  to send out personal and planetary healing. 
Advanced Practical Shamanism workshop: 
10 am - 1 pm   $75
We power up, clear non-beneficial energies in and on the body, get centered, protect sacred space, and connect with the Nature Spirit on the land to solicit their help for the ceremony. All Core Practical Shamanic Techniques ( and some new ones to graduated apprentices) are practiced.  Wear clothing for walking as we will visit several sacred sites on our 31 acre Sanctuary for Nature Spirit Healing. 10 am - 1 pm (Beginners should take both in order to gather  maximum healing and transformative energiesNew and old favorite Practical Shamanism techniques for personal and property protection are experienced, powering up, clearing non-beneficial energy with smudging and dowsing, shamanic journey healing and shapeshifting into sacred sites plus  shamanic breathwork.

  Info  on Azurae see 
 Register for Sat Nov. 22 at the Amethyst Center at 540-947-2423, or  The Amethyst Center, 4443 Quarterwood Rd., Thaxton VA 24174. Find out more or register at
Credit cards accepted
 Bring  bag lunch and drums or rattles if you have them. 

A potluck follows the ceremony