Shamanic Workshops

Practical Shamanism Fear Factor April 14 at theAmethyst Center

Practical Shamanism Freedom Factor comes to the Amethyst Center April 14

 Claim THE FREEDOM FACTOR !!! Release Fears, Self Sabotage. Trauma Drama, and Non Beneficial Patterns Sabatogue and RISE UP to your highest Soul Potential!! Retrieve Self Confidence, Self Awareness and JOY!!!!! Azurae Windwalker brings another stellar Practical Shamanism IN Lightened Workshop and Initiation to Crystal Cognizance Sat. Feb. 24 in Woodbridge VA.

Kick all that heavy Hucha energy to the curb!!!! A new day is dawn
ing!! NO MORE must we carry around fears & trauma that hold us back from reaching our highest potential. We are mighty conscious spiritual beings. And we have important work to do in our soul service and ascension process!!!!!! So NOW learn how to gently, easily & quickly neutralize clear & release your blocks! In LIGHT and LOVE! Enjoy proven Practical Shamanism techniques infused with NLP, Angelic & White Light Spiritual Master Initiations and embrace the FREEDOM FACTOR which is your natural birthright!

Testimonial: “I want to thank you for a technique you taught me that I've used for over a decade now....when I feel anger I place one hand on the back of my head and one on my forehead (elbows level forming triangle) and concentrate with (intense focus) on the person ...after a few minutes I release my hands and the anger is gone. I used it yesterday and it worked PERFECTLY and taught it to my 11 year old daughter today and she was amazed and asked why I hadn't shown her the technique before. Thank you so much! “--Adela Lohr 

Why are Azurae Windwalker's Trauma Clearing and Consciousness Uplift Approaches SO Effective? 
Over the last 30 years Azurae has refined a way to combine traditional Neuro-linguist Programming with Practical Shamanism. Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP) therapy incorporates NLP, a set of language- and sensory-based interventions and behavior-modification techniques designed to help improve the client’s self-awareness, confidence, communication skills, and social actions.  NLP, combined with shamanic journey, therapeutic dowsing,  soul retrieval, and Divine Intervention from The Chief Healing Angels, the White Light Spiritual Masters, the Spirit in Nature and Azurae's Christ Consciousness makes for a mighty potent body, mind, spirit clearing and consciousness upgrade!!!!

Some of the approaches you will learn and experience!
  • Dowsing to Clear Curses & other Non Beneficial Environmental Energies and Raise the frequencies to Health and Wellness
  • NLP Spinning Clearing of trauma memories held in your body
  •  Arch Angel Michael Clearing Net of unhealthy energies, entities, implants, DNA error programs, Family patterns and diseased cells.
  • NLP Brain buttons for releasing non beneficial thinking patterns and Shamanic Anger Clearing 
  • Shamanic Journey from Present to Past Life to Clear Core Trauma   Time Line Patterns. Ending self sabotage.
  • Ascension Attunement to your Present Highest Potential                                                            
  • Ho O pono pono Forgiveness Ceremony
  • Retrieving Joy
The Amethyst Center, 4443 Quarterwood Rd. Thaxton VA
Call Text 540-947-2423 of Azuraewwlkr8@earthlink,net

Private Healing Sessions in Reston are Available Sun. April 15
Perhaps you have a complicated situation you need help with individually. Azurae is glad to help you with shamanic healing which may include some of the techniques from the class. Her shaman's tool box also includes: Soul Retrieval, Clearing of Spirit Attachments, Grief Release, Cutting of Non Beneficial Chords, Clearing of Governor Implants that keep you from reaching your Highest Potential, Clearing of  Karmic Programs, Clearing of Curses, Reclaiming Power with Totem Retrieval, White Light Brotherhood Ascension Initiations, Physical Healings,  and  Over 20 Award Winning Shamanic Journeys.
Sessions are $125 for 1.5 hrs. and $150 for 2 hrs. They begin at 11 am and end at 5 pm. Call or text Azurae at 540-947-2423 or email to Spaces fill up quickly so don't delay!

“Soul retrieval is so powerfully healing! Nothing else works as well as becoming whole to oneself - of the energy we are rightfully entitled to! Many people know something is wrong...they might even say...something is missing! They have half of the answer...they just didn't know it was part of them! You do this (soul retrieval) work as a medicine woman/shaman.....The great thing is that no matter the method, the recognition of the trauma that caused the (soul) break, there is the great need to return this soul part and integrate it. I appreciate your being here on earth at this time to act as guide to others higher awareness and the healing of our Mother Earth. Keep up the great work, and may you receive the blessings of our forefathers/grandmothers, plus the Great Spirit that connects us all!” Dee Chips, Past President of the National Association for Transpersonal Hypnotherapy
“After the healing on Sat. to my heart by you, your gateway turtle picture, and the workshop group the very clear message I got when we connected with our healing White Brotherhood spirit doctors was, “We are endless in healing for all of you, the Earth and the Universe.” Rev. Tina Stonestreet, Artist and Interfaith Minister, Practical Shamanism student

“I had inherited my daughters' cats in July 2012 when she moved out of the country. I have been taking homeopathic medicines to counteract my awful AWFUL cat allergies - they worked but only when I took them; usually my allergies came back within a couple of days of running out of the medicine. When I received the healings from you last month, I had run out of the medicine and thought, oh well, I will start taking it when the allergies kick back in. But they have not! Your healing is the only thing I've done lately that could account for that, thanks! And Mac and Brick, our cats, thank you because they're getting a lot more loving now that I can cuddle with them!! Maribeth Coye Decker, CMT, MS, MGA, NO VA senior student and healing client 

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