Shamanic Workshops

What to look for in a shamanic teacher

What to look for in a shamanic teacher
There are several qualities that are most important in selecting an appropriate shamanic teacher. Having written a book is not one of them. Some of the best shamans are humble people of few means who are dedicated to the practice. One rule of thumb is, if the shaman brags about being one, run the other way! Since being a hollow bone/clear channel is number one for shamanic work, having a big ego is the antithesis of the desired shamanic practitioner’s personality traits.

These are other qualities to look for:
·         Does the teacher have high ethical standards?
·         Do they walk their talk?  Are they a good role model?
·         Do they treat their students compassionately?
·         Do they urge students on to achieve their own soul purposes and nurture their own gifts and talents rather than creating cookie cutter of themselves?
·         Do they carry high dimensional helpers and Spirit Doctors who work with the students?
Do they teach respect of Nature, Mother Earth, fellow students and all our relations
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