ESCAPE TO A TRUE NATURE SPIRIT SANCTUARY and CLAIM your JOY!!!!! The Amethyst Center is like Disneyland for co creative relationship with Nature Spirits!!!!!!! We are the Blue Ridge Findhorne! Here on Aug.17 and Sept 14 you can make friends with the Spirit in Nature, Fairy Folk, Little People and Elementals. You will find beautiful healing magic in this joyful playshop! Destress and have a fun enlightening experience with Charlotte Murphy, Azurae Windwalker and the Amethyst Center fairy friends. This is a two part series! So mark your calendars for both!
The numerous fairy folk and Little People at the Amethyst Center have agreed to work with a limited number of students. Our guest teacher is Azurae's gifted senior apprentice, certified fairyologist, healer, RN and medium - Charlotte Murphy. The fairy folk here love her...... and you will too!!!! She can help you translate what you see and feel from the Nature Spirits. Azurae will help make the introductions for you so you can play with the numerous Nature Spirits living at the Amethyst Center. These elementals and Nature Spirits are in charge of converting energy into form and can be immensely helpful to you in healing, magic and manifesting. They are FUN! And bring you JOY!!!! Therefore, a good working relationship with them goes a long way into manifesting your soul’s desires, being happy and gaining success on your soul path.
What You Experience on your Fairy Healing Magic Funshop!
In this 2 part workshop you will learn the rules of the road for a beneficial co creative relationship with them. You’ll learn how to build a fairy altar. Shamanic journey to meet your fairy joy guide and reclaim your happy vibe! You will continue to work with your Joy Guide during the Nature Spirit Energy Medicine series. The Amethyst Center is home to a multitude of Nature Spirits....Fairies, Little People, Earth Angels and Elementals. We have many pictures and even video of them!!!!! Charlotte Murphy, who is Azurae Windwalker's senior apprentice and certified fairiologist medium always leads a fun playful day of healing, magic, inspiration and wisdom downloads from the fairy kingdom. Much of the workshop will be outside so come prepared. Bring cameras, sturdy walking shoes, a blanket, and a gift for the fairies. They like crystals, candy, shiny stuff, and fairy food.
Azurae Windwalker is hosting and supporting her senior apprentice Charotte Murphy for the Funshop. Azurae is an award winning shamanic journey leader and nationally known 30 year teacher of shamanic healing arts. She has developed a unique co-creative relationship with the Ancient Tree Spirits, the three Little People Tribes, the Amethyst Center resident Earth Angel, The White Light Ascended Masters, the Bear Medicine Spirit, the Tall White Forest Elemental, and other Nature Spirit Beings that populate the 31 acre Amethyst Center Nature Spirit Healing Sanctuary. These magnificent beings have agreed to work with a limited number of students to help them ascend to much higher levels of health, well-being, joy oneness, consciousness and self-mastery. At the Amethyst Center you’ll find a medicine wheel herb garden, an Angel Meditation Garden, ancient old growth trees, a sacred spring, a dream rock circle, the White Bear Spirit Medicine Grotto and many other sacred spots for your enjoyment during the Playshop.
Biography of Charlotte S. Medium, Spiritual Coach, KoLaimNi & Reiki Master, Certified Fairyologist
Charlotte began her search for Truth by connecting to the writings of "The Sleeping Prophet" (Edgar Cayce) at the age of 17. She has been a member of the Edgar Cayce Foundation, or as it is known now...The Association For Research and Enlightenment (ARE) in Virginia Beach, VA, ever since. She continued her search as a member of the Rosicrucian Order, where she learned of Universal Laws, and enhanced her psychic abilities. An intense back injury sent her on a search for alternative healing practices, (about 25 years ago) where she learned to use the ancient healing art of KoLaimNi ("Connecting With The Universal Light"), which is based on natural physical law and makes use of the body's own vibrations for healing, on herself and others.
She developed her clairaudient, claircognizant mediumship skills by studying with well-known mediums, Reverend Sally Knuckles (formerly of S. Charleston, WV and the Arlington Metaphysical Chapel in VA), and with Reverend Reed Brown (founder of the United Metaphysical Church of Roanoke, VA). And also apprenticing with Azurae Windwalker.
Azurae says, “Charlotte has the best connection to the fairy folk I've ever seen. I have personally greatly benefited from her shamanic healing skills aided by her fairy guides. I know you will too!!!!
“Azurae’s focus on teaching to heal Nature locally, and around Mother Earth, connects these loving energies to all people with the same intent, and thereby helps to counteract the destruction that is so apparent at this time. It’s an honor to apprentice with Azurae!” Charlotte S. Murphy RN, Medium, Fairyologist, Shamanic Practitioner, apprentice to Azurae Windwalker .
The Benefits of this exciting Funshop with the Fairy folk:
* Clears and raises the vibration of you to a healthy frequency at one with the Spirit in Nature.
* Receive the Joy of Nature Spirit, have fun and forest bathe!
* You enjoy teachings and direct healings from the fairy folk, the Little People, the devas, the tree, herb and stone people, the elements and White Light Masters. Communicate and forge working relations with them for further independent study and healings.
* Aids an easier ascension process into the 5th World of Self Mastery, Harmony, Unity and Cooperation.
* Increases your intuitive awareness. Hones skills for shamanic journey in problem solving, aura strengthening, Nature Spirit Energy Medicine, clearing trauma, and balancing divine Male/Female energies. This series is the second step to apprenticeship.
* Retrieve a Fairy Joy Guide!
* Learn how to build a sanctuary for Nature Spirits at home and practice Earth keeping skills to help Mother Earth!
* Learn how to build an altar and gifting reciprocity to forge right relations with your fairy friends.
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