About our Workshops

Healing Ways from the Ancients for today!

Azurae's Spirit doctor healing team, the Spirit in Nature and the White Light Brotherhood often assist in amazing healings during workshops. They connect journeyers with the highest possible Guides, Spirit Doctors and Totems to match their soul's blueprint frequency. Azurae was taught in the XAT Native American Medicine Society to access wisdom directly from the Spirit of Nature, the Enlightened Ancestors, Spirit Doctors who offer healing from other dimensions, the masters of the White Light Brotherhood and DNA memory. She carries this legacy of opening wisdom and healing channels to her students who are continuing to build on to the curriculum of Practical Shamanism.

2024 Fall Workshops and Events


Oct. 5 - Practical Shamanism Enlightened Self Care -  Archangel Michael Trauma Clearing Net, Who am I and What's My Mission - Journey to Your Heart Soul Center,  White Light Master Initiation Frequency UPlift

RETURN to to your true whole divine healthy self!  Cut through the Chaos! This is a technique driven workshop. What you learn and experience greatly aids you to better care for yourself on a spiritual, emotional and physical level. And know who you REALLY are rather than what the Matrix programed you to be. Your teacher is a  tried and true award winning 40 year shamanic practitioner, Azurae Windwalker.

In the workshop we address the three of the most important challenges to your well being during the SHIFT  These are: 1. Clearing Trauma out with the aid of Archangel Michael. 2. Remembering and reclaiming your Divine Perfect Soul Blueprint in a White Light Master Shamanic Heart Soul Center Initiation   3. Clearing painful non beneficial thought patterns and cutting non beneficial chords to people and events that weaken your ability to consciously evolve upwards. 4. Making strong connections with your personal Angel and White Light Masters so you can continue to work with them with clarity and grace.


TIME:  1 pm—5:30 pm. Sat. Oct. 5

SIGN UP at workshops: www.theamethystcenter.com

PAY PAL AT: Azuraewwlkr@earthlink.net 

WRITE A CHECK TO: Linda Kirby, The Amethyst Center, 4443 Quarterwood Rd., Thaxton VA 24174

INCLUDES: 27 page Practical Shamanism Workbook and special handouts for class themes!

BRING: A blanket for shamanic journeys, writing materials, dress for comfort, bring nuts and juice to keep your energy balanced. Bring a drum or rattle if you have one. We have some to share too. Bring a pendulum too. If you don't have one you can buy one from me.

FOR MORE INFORMATION or Private Appointments at the Amethyst Center:  Contact Azurae by text 540-947-2423 or azuraewindwalker@gmail.com


 Every workshop is different because we address whatever people need through dowsing.   There's a much better way to solve your body mind spirit and environmental energy challenges! Even from a distance! DOWSE!  We will also dowse away the spirit of disease and make magic water. It's a quantum high vibe experience!


TIME:  1 pm—5:30 pm. Sun. Oct. 6

SIGN UP at workshops: www.theamethystcenter.com

PAY PAL AT: Azuraewwlkr@earthlink.net 

WRITE A CHECK TO: Linda Kirby, The Amethyst Center, 4443 Quarterwood Rd., Thaxton VA 24174.

 BRING: A notebook  and pendulum. We have some pendulums to sell too

FOR MORE INFORMATION or Private Appointments at the Amethyst Center:  Contact Azurae by text 540-947-2423 or azuraewindwalker@gmail.com


 all friends of the Fairy Folk! You are invited to a fun playful day of healing, magic,  inspiration and wisdom downloads from the fairy kingdom. are invited to deepen your relationship with the loving beneficial  fairy folk, Little People and elementals at The Amethyst Center which is like Disneyland for co creative relationship with Nature Spirits!!!!!!! We are the Blue Ridge Findhorne! Here you can make friends  and learn how to work, find joy and play with the Spirit in Nature!

The numerous fairy folk and Little People at the Amethyst Center have agreed to work with a limited number of students.  Azurae will help make the introductions for you to the fairy folk for you so you can play with the numerous Nature Spirits living at the Amethyst Center.  These elementals and Nature Spirits are in charge of converting energy into form and can be immensely helpful to you in healing, magic and manifesting.  They are FUN! And bring you JOY!!!! Therefore, a good working relationship with them goes a long way into manifesting your soul’s desires, being happy and gaining success on your soul path. 


*  You will learnCalling the rules of the road for a beneficial co creative relationship with them. 

*  You’ll learn how to build a fairy altar and  find fairy territory in the wild

* Shamanic journey to meet your fairy joy guide and reclaim your happy joy vibe! 

 *  You can continue to work with your Joy Guide during the Practical Shamanism Enlightened Self Care Series for deeper connection, study and healing

 We have many pictures and even video of the elementals here!!!!!   This is a fun playful day of healing, magic,  inspiration and wisdom downloads from the fairy kingdom. Much of the workshop will be outside so come prepared. Bring cameras, sturdy walking shoes, a blanket, and a gift for the fairies. They like crystals, candy, shiny stuff, and fairy food.

 Azurae Windwalker is hosting Azurae is an award winning shamanic journey leader and nationally known 30 year teacher of shamanic healing arts. She has developed a unique co-creative relationship with the Ancient Tree Spirits, the three Little People Tribes, the Amethyst Center resident Earth Angel, The White Light Ascended Masters, the Bear Medicine Spirit, the Tall White Forest Elemental, and other Nature Spirit Beings that populate the 31 acre Amethyst Center Nature Spirit Healing Sanctuary. These magnificent beings have agreed to work with a limited number of students to help them ascend to much higher levels of health, well-being, joy oneness, consciousness and self-mastery. At the Amethyst Center you’ll find a medicine wheel herb garden, an Angel Meditation Garden, ancient old growth trees, a sacred spring, a dream rock circle, the White Bear Spirit Medicine Grotto and many other sacred spots for your enjoyment during the Playshop


*  Clears and raises the vibration of you to a healthy frequency at one with the Spirit in Nature.

*  Receive the Joy of Nature Spirit, have fun and forest bathe!

*  You enjoy teachings and direct healings from the fairy folk, the Little People, the devas, the tree, herb and stone people, the elements and White Light Masters. Communicate and forge working relations with them for further independent study and healings.

*  Aids an easier ascension process into the 5th World of Self Mastery, Harmony, Unity and Cooperation.

*  Increases your intuitive awareness. * Hones skills for shamanic journey in problem solving,  aura strengthening, Nature Spirit Energy Medicine, clearing trauma, and balancing divine Male/Female energies. This series is the second step to apprenticeship.

*  Retrieve a Fairy Joy Guide!

*  Learn how to build a sanctuary for Nature Spirits at home and practice Earth keeping skills to help Mother Earth!

*  Learn how to build an altar and gifting reciprocity to forge right relations with your Nature 


TIME:  1 pm—5:30 pm. Sat. Oct. 12

SIGN UP at workshops: www.theamethystcenter.com

PAY PAL AT: Azuraewwlkr@earthlink.net 

WRITE A CHECK TO: Linda Kirby, The Amethyst Center, 4443 Quarterwood Rd., Thaxton VA 24174.

BRING: A notebook  and pendulum.

 Please bring lunch, and hiking

 clothing, walking shoes and a fairy gift of candy, shiny stuff or crystals.

FOR MORE INFORMATION or Private Appointments at the Amethyst Center:  Contact Azurae by text 540-947-2423 or azuraewindwalker@gmail.com


Get up close and personal with the mighty ancient Wisdom Trees at the Amethyst Center. Shamanic Journey into their healing frequencies and learn how to merge/grock with them to broadcast information to the heavens and to the earth through the Mycellium Fungal Network, a tree internet!  Your tree totems will help you answer the questions of "Who am I?", "Why am I here?" Where did I come from?" After choosing a few tree totems for your specific needs and you make a tree medicine bundle t continue your journey with them.  We have poplar, white pine, walnut, elm, oak, paw paw, elderberry, locust, cedar, vitex and our beautiful Grandmother Catalpa.  You will learn the meanings of your Tree Totems and begin a profound much deeper journey with Nature.


TIME:  12:30 pm—5:30 pm. Sat. Oct. 12

SIGN UP at workshops: www.theamethystcenter.com

PAY PAL AT: Azuraewwlkr@earthlink.net 

WRITE A CHECK TO: Linda Kirby, The Amethyst Center, 4443 Quarterwood Rd., Thaxton VA 24174.

BRING: A notebook  and pendulum.

 Please bring lunch, and hiking

 clothing, walking shoes and a Tree Spirit gift of candy, Tobacco or crystals.

FOR MORE INFORMATION or Private Appointments at the Amethyst Center:  Contact Azurae by text 540-947-2423 or azuraewindwalker@gmail.com


Join us as we get to the root of yard weeds. We'll be identifying, collecting and preparing root medicine on the beautiful grounds of The Amethyst Center.  You'll walk away with your own, self- prepared, medicinal tincture,  and the knowledge that goes with it! Learn to appreciate and use the free food and medicine that grows all around us πŸŒΏπŸ’šπŸŒΏ

 A light meal focusing on foraged foods will be provided. 


TIME:  12:30 pm—5:30 pm. Sat. Oct. 12

SIGN UP at workshops: www.theamethystcenter.com

PAY PAL AT: Azuraewwlkr@earthlink.net 

WRITE A CHECK TO: Linda Kirby, The Amethyst Center, 4443 Quarterwood Rd., Thaxton VA 24174.

BRING: A notebook  and pendulum.

 Please wear hiking clothing, walking shoes and bring a Herb Spirit gift of Candy, Tobacco or Crystals.


Make  own drum, awaken it as a healing tool, & learn rhythms & healing techniques for yourself & Mother Earth. $250. $125 downpayment due Wed. Nov. 6  See www.theamethystcenter.com at workshops.  Make your own drum, awaken it as a healing tool, and learn rhythms and healing techniques for healing yourself and Mother Earth. Initiate your Drum as a Shaman's Tool for Healing and Earthkeeping through frequency transmission from Azurae's Shamans Drum!

Experience the satisfaction of crafting your own instrument from a Shamanic teacher with 25 years experience in drum making and sound therapy drumming. Hundreds now enjoy Tree of Life Drums. Our drums are very resonating and stay tuned much longer than others in humid weather. Women can make these drums easily as the design requires more craftsmanship than strength. In the Sound Therapy Drumming workshop you will learn advanced drumming healing techniques and learn how to use a variety of drum beats in your practice. You will experience a powerful combination of drumming with chanting, energy medicine, sacred geometry, shamanic journey and meditation. Awaken your drum as an instrument of healing in sacred ceremony! Azurae is a member of the American Women’s Indigenous Drum Society and the Red Feather Medicine Singers. It’s a sound time to be initiated into the Amethyst Center Earthkeeper Drumming Nation.!!!!!  

DATE: Sat. Nov. 16

TIME: Drum Making - 11am – 6.00 pm.

DOWNPAYMENT: Make a down payment of $125 Nov. 6 before the workshop to buy materials.  Total payment of $250 includes materials, instruction, workbook and sound therapy workshop.  Bring a potluck dish to share and sharp scissors.

Send your $125 Deposit Check of the total $250 by Nov. 6 to:

Linda Kirby, The Amethyst Center

4443 Quarterwood Rd. Thaxton, VA 24174

Pay at https://www.theamethystcenter.com or PayPal at azuraewwlkr@earthlink.net 

Send a check to: Linda Kirby, The Amethyst Center,  4443 Quarterwood Rd, Thaxron VA 24174 

Find info at www.theAmethystCenter.com. OR Text 540-947-2423 

UPshift & UPlift ASCENSION JOURNEYS  - w your Angels, White Light Masters, Cacao, Mary Magdalene Annoitment Oils AND Koshi Chimes - Sat.  Nov. 17

WHY NOT EASE YOUR WAY into Ascension UPLIFT and UPSHIFT with MORE FUN Receive the help and healing you need from much higher sources. Your Angels , Enlightened Ancestors,  & White Light Master Guide Teams Want to HELP YOU!  So allow Azurae to create a safe space to help you find your truth,  realize your higher gifts and talents and form regular working relations with your Angels, Guides and Masters.

In our Ascension UPshift UPlift Journey you journey to your Heart Soul Center where you experience a beautiful potent White Light Master Attunement.  Bring back your heart centered bliss in Cacoa ceremony. Then let Archangel Michael alchemically clear your trauma dramas so you can be free to reclaim your personal peace.  Let the Angels and White Light Masters retrieve your Lost Soul Pieces so you can come back to your true authentic self. And fill yourself with the heavenly healing frequencies of a Koshi Chime Ascension Attunement. 

Azurae Windwalker  carries you to the highest dimensional environments.  In 40 years of shamanic teaching and healing she has reached a very high frequency of self mastery.  Let Azurae Windwalker, her angelic guides, White Light Masters, and Nature Spirit mentor you,  shamanize and intuitively guide you on your soul path.  During the Ascension journey we communicate with 5th & 6th and even higher dimensional  guides. They gift your Ascension Journey with healing, advice, creative ideas,  and enlightenment for the future.


*  Power up, UPshift and UPlift with Dowsing, Chants,  Sound Therapy, Circular Earth Sun Breathwork, Shamanic Journey, Koshi Chime Initiation, Aroma Therapy, and Cacao Ceremony.

*  Shamanic Journey to form alliances, and find healing with your Healing Angel and Master teams. 


TIME:  2 pm—6 pm. Sun. Nov. 17 

SIGN UP at workshops: www.theamethystcenter.com

PAY PAL AT: Azuraewwlkr@earthlink.net 

WRITE A CHECK TO: Linda Kirby, The Amethyst Center, 4443 Quarterwood Rd., Thaxton VA 24174.

BRING: A notebook  and pendulum.

 Please bring a notebook a Spirit gift of Candy, Tobacco or Crystals.


ENJOY AN EPIPHANY  ACCELERATE to higher Consciousness and UPSHIFT!!!!!  WHY CELEBRATE EPIPHANY? An Epiphany is a Sudden Revelation and Manifestation  of the Divine in YOU!  It is the 12th day of Christmas when the Three Wise Magi offered the magic of gold, silver and myrrh to Jesus and the Holy Family. We will emulate this in our ceremony offering these sacred herbs to the Christ in YOU! Historically Epiphany also  honors the return of the Goddess Frequency to Earth..... always  a focus here at the Amethyst Center. 

Join the Friends of the Amethyst Center at 1:30 to 5:30 pm Sun. Jan 5  for a most UPlifting and UPshifting Celebration, Manifestation Ritual and Sacred Ceremony featuring:

*  SInging and drumming with the Redfeather Medicine Singers

*  Angelic Ascension Elemental Chime Attunement 

*  Ascension Truffels by Keleigh Hale

*  Ceremonial Sacred Cacoa 

*  Gold, Frankensense and Myrrh Mary Magdalene Annointment.

*  Sweet Fellowship with LIGHT workers and Earthkeeper Alchemists

*  Manifestation Ritual

*  Potluck

LOCATION: The Amethyst Center Barn Healing Sanctuary, 4443 Quarterwood Rd., Thaxton VA (25 min. from Roanoke, 35 min. from Lynchburg 3.5 miles off Hwy. 460)

DRESS WARMLY - for bonfire. 

BRING: Potluck dish, a warm blanket for shamanic journey,  a love offering for ceremony expenses and our building fund and gifts for the fairies and Sasquatch family. (These include little crystals, shiny stuff, candy, chocolate, sardines, popcorn, apples,  peanut butter, blue gifts, toys for the little ones.)

TIME AND DATE: Sun, Jan. 5  1:30 to 5:30 pm

Suggested Love Offering of $20 to pay for ceremonial expenses and for our building repair.

PLEASE RSVP TO: Azurae Windwalker azuraewindwalker@gmail.com or text 540-947-2423  EPIPHANY ASCENSION!  JOIN US .  

FOR MORE INFORMATION or Private Appointments at the Amethyst Center:  Contact Azurae by text 540-947-2423 or azuraewindwalker@gmail.com



YOU ARE INVITED TO CELEBRATE GLOBAL WATER  HEALING WITH THE REDFEATHER  MEDICINE SINGERS SUN. Oct. 20 at 11 am at Unity of Roanoke Valley.  At this special service the Redfeather Medicine Singers share frequencies to heal the Earth"s Waters and ourselves through affirmative prayer songs, drums and sound therapy frequencies.  We will also dowse and bless water back to its original perfect health blueprint. You can sample this healthy Magic Water and be able to take some home with you. Our Unity Magic Water can clear pollution, toxins  and change the water it touches back to a frequency of perfection.  This spreads through rivers, lakes, ponds, and US!  BRING A WATER BOTTLE so you can have some Unity Magic Water to take home for youself and  to pour into your favorite body of water for its healing.  

To find out more about how thought heals water read about Dr. Masaro Emoto's work in his best selling book The Hidden Messages in Water.  He proved that water could react to positive thoughts and words and that polluted water could be cleaned through prayer and positive visualization.

The Redfeather Medicine Singers are members of the Global Drums Gatherings - Water Protectors who drum and do ceremony around the World for our Waters. For 20 years the group has sung and drummed at Local Colors, Women's Indeginous Drum Fests, Amethyst Center Ceremonies, Earth Days,  Churches, Schools and other Eco friendly events. Our mission is to promote personal and planetary  healing and honor our American Indian Ancestors.

.The Redfeathers sing both traditional Native American Indian language songs and modern spiritual Mother Earth themed music, Our instruments are drums, Koshi chimes, rainsticks, rattles,  rain drums, and bells.

The founding members of the Redfeather Medicine Singers are Azurae Windwalker, Kris Powers, Penny Best, Polly Branch and Diane Elliot.  Our newer members are  Divya Womack, Gena Palmer and Patrice Freeman..


DATE AND TIME: SUN Oct  20  11 am to noon 

LOCATION: Unity of Roanoke Valley is located at 3300 Green Ridge Rd. Roanoke VA. 


REDFEATHER ALERT!! If you are not able to make it to Unity of Roanoke Valley Sunday, Oct. 20 at 11 am for the Redfeather Medicine Singers Healing.Water Service, you can see it livestreamed on youtube and replay it later.  FEEL FREE TO DRUM ALONG!




FALL HARVEST CEREMONY - Sat.  Oct. 26  2 pm - 6 pm 

You are invited to our annual celebration of our Eastern Woodland Indian Heritage and our abundant harvests. This year it is limited to students and friends of the Amethyst Center. Outside in the ceremonial circle we enjoy the warmth of the ceremonial fire. Sat. Oct. 26 is ceremony. and Sunday Sept 27 noon to 5 is sound therapy. a playful Earth Art making, a group reading and walkabouts to sacred sites to visit with the local fairies, Little People and Loving Forest Folk. It's all by love offering.

We enjoy singing and drumming led by Azurae Windwalker and the Redfeather Medicine Singers. it's a treasured time of fellowship, fun and culture with American Indian circle dances, the Corn Dance, and The Harvest Dance. Diane Elliott will be telling stories. And we will be building a ceremonial fire and making tobacco fire prayers for ourselves, friends, family and for Mother Earth..

Bring a spiritual gift you value greatly but you no longer resonate with for our spiritual giveaway trade blanket . And bring a lawn chair, drum, rattle or flute if you have them. We have plenty to borrow. A potluck follows the ceremony. A love offering is taken and there will be a silent auction to finance repairs to our Barn Healing Sanctuary.

MANDTORY!! TEXT or fb message Azurae Windwalker at 540-947-2423 to rsvp. Participatation is limited

BRING: A potluck dish, a lawn chair. A spiritually signicant giveaway gift, a drum or rattle if you have one.

We hope to see you at this most uplifting and fun event. Absolutely no drugs or alcohol allowed!


Shamanic teacher / author Sandra Ingerman says "Join me In Ceremony ...In times of destabilization, as we are in now, myself and thousands of others have found by performing ceremonies we step into a feeling of being connected to our spiritual light and the creative forces of the universe. People around the world have been stepping into the ancient transformative field of ceremonial work for tens of thousands of years.

Performing ceremonies helps us to identify the intentions and passion of our soul, heal old trauma, abuse, wounds, hurts, betrayals, honor changes, receive guidance, create a doorway into the unseen realms to communicate with the helping spirits from the depth of our soul, and to perform the work we need to bring in new healthier ways of living.

Ceremony makes us feel solid, empowered, and that we have the spiritual muscles to ride out challenges. And when we join our hearts to gather with friends, loved ones, and our local global community the effects of the work are exponential." 



ACTIVITIES - Sound Therapy, Making a Sacred Land Eco-Art Mandala, Trail and Sacred Site Nature Spirit Meditations, Picnic,  Healing Share and Group Medicine Wheel Reading.

We hope to see you at this most uplifting and fun event. Get to know the Friends of the Amethyst Center better and learn how you can contribute to our mission of personal and planetary healing. 


WHERE: The Amethyst Center, 4443 Quarterwood Rd., Thaxton VA

BRING: Lawn chair, BRING picnic food, drum, or rattle,  musical instruments, healing tools for healers share.

For Sunday's Land Mandela Making  bring flowers, pumpkins, gourds, apples,  corn meal, or other plant materials to decorate with..

DRESS: Warmly in layers, Wear walking shoes.

NOTE: Absolutely no drugs or alcohol! 

MANDATORY RSVP by text to 540-947-2423 or azuraewindwalker@gmail.com


.ENJOY AN EPIPHANY,  ACCELERATE to higher Consciousness  and UPSHIFT!!!!! 

 WHY CELEBRATE EPIPHANY? An Epiphany is a Sudden Revelation and Manifestation  of the Divine in YOU!  It is the 12th day of Christmas when the Three Wise Magi offered the magic of gold, silver and myrrh to Jesus and the Holy Family. We will emulate this in our ceremony offering these sacred herbs to the Christ in YOU! Historically Epiphany also  honors the return of the Goddess Frequency to Earth..... always  a focus here at the Amethyst Center

Join the Friends of the Amethyst Center at 1:30 to 5:30 pm Sun.  Jan 5 for a most UPlifting and UPshifting Celebration, Manifestation Ritual and Sacred Ceremony featuring:

*  SInging and drumming with the Redfeather Medicine Singers

*  Angelic Ascension Elemental Chime Attunement 

*  Ascension Truffels by Keleigh Hale

*  Ceremonial Sacred Cacoa 

*  Gold, Frankensense and Myrrh Anointment.

*  Sweet Fellowship with LIGHT workers and Earthkeeper Alchemists

*  Manifestation Ritual

*  Potluc

LOCATION: The Amethyst Center Barn Healing Sanctuary, 4443 Quarterwood Rd., Thaxton VA (25 min. from Roanoke, 35 min. from Lynchburg 3.5 miles off Hwy. 460)

DRESS WARMLY - for bonfire.

 BRING: Potluck dish, a warm blanket for shamanic journey,  a love offering for ceremony expenses and our building fund and gifts for the fairies and Sasquatch family. (These include little crystals, shiny stuff, candy, chocolate, sardines, popcorn, apples,  peanut butter, blue gifts, toys for the little ones.)

TIME AND DATE: Sun. Jan. 5 1:30 -5:30 pm 

SUGGESTED LOVE OFFERING: $20+ to pay for ceremonial expenses and for our building repair.

PLEASE MANDATORY RSVP TO: Azurae Windwalker azuraewindwalker@gmail.com or text 540-947-2423.  Headline  EPIPHANY!    


A Co-Creative Sanctuary for Nature Spirit 

The Amethyst Center is like 
Disneyland for co creative relationship with Nature Spirits!!!!!!! We are the Blue Ridge Findhorne! Here on Aug  you can make friends with the Spirit in Nature, Fairy Folk, Little People, the Forest People and Elementals. You will find beautiful healing magic in this joyful playshop! De-stress and have a fun enlightening experience with Azurae Windwalker and the Amethyst Center fairy friends! 

 These elementals and Nature Spirits are in charge of converting energy into form and can be immensely helpful to you in healing, magic and manifesting. They are FUN! And bring you JOY!!!! Therefore, a good working relationship with them goes a long way into manifesting your soul’s desires, being happy and gaining success on your soul path. What You Experience on your Fairy Healing Magic Funshop! 

What you will experience!

  • You will learn the rules of the road for a beneficial co creative relationship with the Fairies, Little People and Forest People.
  • You’ll learn how to build a fairy altar.
  • Shamanic journey to meet your fairy joy guides and reclaim your happy vibe! You will continue to work with your Joy Guide during the Nature Spirit Energy Medicine series.
  • Shamanic  journey  and meet some sweet Flower Fairies for their gentle healing.
  • Learn the basics of building, Gifting and blessing a Fairy Garden that will become a beacon to the Fae!
  • Learn About the Amethyst Center Little People Medicine Men, their Apprentices  and enjoy a healing dispensation!
  • You may receive a blessing and Love Zap from the Forest People
  • Frolic together in a fairy dance!
The Amethyst Center is home to a multitude of Nature Spirits....Fairies, Little People, Earth Angels, Forest People and Elementals. We have many pictures and even video of them!!!!!  Our resident mediums always join in to lead a fun playful day of healing, magic, inspiration and wisdom downloads from the fairy . 

BRING:  Much of the workshop will be outside so come prepared. Bring cameras, sturdy walking shoes, a blanket, and a gift for the fairies. They like crystals, candy, shiny stuff, and fairy food.


Azurae has a unique co creative relationship with  with the Ancient Tree Spirits, the Little People Clans, the Amethyst Center Earth Angel, & Forest People!

 The Bear Medicine Spirit, the Tall White Forest Elemental, and other Nature Spirit Beings that populate the 31 acre Amethyst Center Nature Spirit Healing Sanctuary actively interact with those of good heart.  These magnificent beings have agreed to work with a limited number of students to help them ascend to much higher levels of health, well-being, joy oneness, consciousness and self-mastery. At the Amethyst Center you’ll find a medicine wheel herb garden, an Angel Meditation Garden, ancient old growth trees, a sacred spring, a dream rock circle, the White Bear Spirit Medicine Grotto and many other sacred spots for your enjoyment during the Playshop.

 Benefits of this exciting Funshop with the Fairy folk:

* Clears and raises the vibration of you to a healthy frequency at one with the Spirit in Nature.

* Receive the Joy of Nature Spirit, have fun and forest bathe!

* You enjoy teachings and direct healings from the fairy folk, the Little People, the devas, the tree, herb and stone people, the elements and White Light Masters.

*  Communicate and forge working relations with them for further independent study and healings.

* Aids an easier ascension process into the 5th World of Self Mastery, Harmony, Unity and Cooperation.

* Increases your intuitive awareness. Hones skills for shamanic journey in problem solving, aura strengthening, Nature Spirit Energy Medicine, clearing trauma, and balancing divine Male/Female energies. This series is the second step to apprenticeship.

* Retrieve a Fairy Joy Guide!

* Learn how to build a sanctuary for Nature Spirits at home and practice Earth keeping skills to help Mother Earth!

* Learn how to build an altar and gifting reciprocity to forge right relations with your fairy friends.

Register Now for the Sat. Oct. 12
1pm - 6:00 pm. Cost $77 per workshop 

Mail or paypal your $50 deposit & registration in advance to:  Linda Kirby, The Amethyst Center, 4443 Quarterwood Rd., Thaxton VA 24174 (Between Lynchburg and Roanoke in Bedford Co.) 

Pay pal payment at azuraewwlkr@earthlink.net.

 Register by emailing http://azuraewindwalker@gmail.com or text 540-947-2423. 

(Please bring lunch, and hiking clothing, walking shoes and a fairy gift of candy, shiny stuff or crystals to gift the fairies!)

2024 Fall Harvest Ceremony and Earthkeeper Water Protector Ceremonies 2022

Earth Keeper Homecoming

 Sat. Oct 26

2 pm – 6 pm at the Amethyst Center, Thaxton VA

Earthkeeper Ceremonies are so very important to keep the sacred relationship with Mother Earth. None is more important than being thankful for the harvest of your garden of life. Our Native American style ceremonies led by Azurae Windwalker and Friends of the Amethyst Center are fun, educational and deeply healing for ALL! Together we work with the Spirit in Nature, Our Enlightened Ancestors, White Light Masters and Angels for the highest good for all our relations. That’s why people love them so much! This us our 20th one!!!!! You’ll have the opportunity to give thanks for all your blessings and commune with the potent Spirit of the Amethyst Center Nature Spirit Sanctuary.  Gratitude ensures continued abundance.

Fall Harvest Ceremony 2021

What You experience at the Fall Harvest Ceremony

  • At the Fall Harvest Ceremony we pray hard and play hard!!!!!!  Experience the Dance of the Harvest where we dance in the literal and figurative abundance of our 2022 crops
  •  Dance  the Harvest Corn Dance with a traditional Cherokee song.
  • Take part in a  Spiritual Giveaway Ceremony.  Bring an important  spiritually significant gift that no longer serves you that you wish to give away and then you’ll receive a wonderful unexpected new gift from someone else. It is an honored ceremony to continue the Divine Flow of Abundance.
  • Dance, drum, sing traditional Cherokee, Saponi and Delaware songs and modern Native American spiritual songs. 
  • Enjoy the  Cherokee Sunray Dance of the  Directions similar to Tai Chi as taught by the Sunray Medicine Society led by elder Diane Elliot.
  • Hear traditional Native stories and special music from the Red Feather Medicine Singers.  
  • Drum, sing, dance, network and have fun with like minded folks from near and far!

WHAT TO BRING: Dress Warmly. Bring chairs. Bring Pot luck dishes, drums, rattles, flutes etc. Bring ceremonial objects for our group altar. Bring some of your harvest veggies, herbs, flowers or art to dance in the ceremonial circle and honor. Graditude creates more GOOD THINGS! Find out more about what we do,  and our Earth keeping mission at www.theamethystcenter.com. 
 A love offering is taken & art silent auction is provided for the Amethyst Center’s ceremonial costs and Earth keeping work.

Noon to 6 pm

 ACTIVITIES - Sound Therapy, Making a Sacred Land Eco-Art Mandala, Trail and Sacred Site Nature Spirit Meditations, Picnic,  Healing Share and Group Medicine Wheel Reading.

We hope to see you at this most uplifting and fun event. Get to know the Friends of the Amethyst Center better and learn how you can contribute to our mission of personal and planetary healing. 
WHERE: The Amethyst Center, 4443 Quarterwood Rd., Thaxton VA

BRING: Lawn chair, BRING picnic food, drum, or rattle,  musical instruments, healing tools for healers share.

For Sunday's Land Mandela Making  bring flowers, pumpkins, gourds, apples,  corn meal, or other plant materials to decorate with..

DRESS: Warmly in layers, Wear walking shoes.
NOTE: Absolutely no drugs or alcohol! 
MANDATORY RSVP by text to 540-947-2423 or ⁴

WATER Protectors Ceremonies

Mother Earth reacts as a conscious being to our prayers, songs, intent and thoughts!!!! Let us help as gifted healers, prayer makers, alchemists and/or  shamanic practitioners to reduce and remedy this situation. This Earthkeeper Achemy has been a mission of the Amethyst Center for 20 years!

We are part of a worldwide community of drumming ceremonialists , the Water Protectors,  who join together for healing Mother Earth. Within  two weeks 35,000 people gathered globally for this cause recently.

Often we have sound therapists  join us with singing bowls, gongs, rainsticks. We sing a song related to our Earthkeeping Mission and freeform sound therapy.  Our missions may include sovereignty,  freedom, compassion, healing, peace, and unity. Most ceremonies are in our sacred ceremonial circle. But if it rains we meet in the Barn Healing Sanctuary. A potluck follows.

 The Chief Angels of Healing, the White Light Masters, The Eco-dragons, the Beneficial Star Nations, the Forest People and the Spirit in Nature work with us to divert and lessen  ecological  disasters and return Mother Earth to a higher and healthier form moving up to 5D reality. 

Sometimes ....On the Serpent Mound Effigy rug we set our intent for personal and planetary healing. We lock into the 90 point Worldwide Amethyst Biogrid for the transmutation of personal and planetary toxins and for ascending higher conscious spiritual evolution of all our relations. We journey to our Heart Soul Center and become one with the Divine.  We call in the Ecodragons to alchemically transmute Earth's toxins! Then we reprogram the matrix to Love, Divine Consciousness and put on our Rainbow Bodies of ascension!!! Join us in one of our very special eco-shamanism ceremony. Prayer changes things!   Watch this newsletter for dates.

The Amethyst Center

4443 Quarterwood Rd. Thaxton VA 24174
                                                                            RSVP text 540-947-2423 or azuraewindwalker@gmail.com

2022 Tree Spirit Medicine

 Tree Spirit Medicine

with Azurae Windwalker
at the Amethyst Center

DO YOU LOVE TREES AND HOW THEY FEEL?  The elder ancient trees carry the deepest wisdom and healing for you. And they very much want to share their medicine. At the Amethyst Center we have wide variety of old growth trees on 31 forested acres. Some are over 250 years old!  Our standing ones are happy to share healing and wisdom with you in profound ways. Come and make friends with them! I am leading a 2 part TREE SPIRIT MEDICINE series which allows you to de-stress, ground, power up and learn from the consciousness of a variety of tree species and comune energetically with the standing ones.

What we Experience at the Workshops
 *  Did you know that each tree species has it's own particular healing quality to share? Visit 4 of them in each workshop that best fits your needs and choose a Tree Totem!

 *  You'll learn and master how to Tree Breathe and share co-creative energy thru each of your chakras with the trees.
 Experience a shamanic initiation, wisdom download and healing dispensation from the twin Sacred Cedar Tree Medicine men.

Make a prayer stick out of your Tree Totem to focus and retain the healing from the workshops and your Tree Spirit Wisdom Download.

Master Practical Shamanism Self Care techniques like the Sun Triangle Power Up, Earth Sun Circular Breathwork and Sacred Space Clearing.

Build a Golden Egg Protective Shield and learn how to manipulate your energy field aura to be one with trees and other beings.

Take these Techniques Home and Continue your Journey with Tree Spirit Medicine

Use your wisdom tree downloads, the techniques you learn, and the higher consciousness you attain and use them in your own life adventures. Tree Spirit Medicine is profound, practical and deeply healing!.  Over the last 30 years as a practitioner of Nature Spirit Energy Medicine,  I have been gifted with some pretty amazing Tree Spirit Medicine healing ways!  Tree Spirit Medicine once was a rare subject.  Now it's a common theme... which gives me much hope. NOW  it's time to share this wisdom so that it is carried about to those who need it.  Be sure to mark Sept. 7 and Oct. 5 on your calendar. Find out more at www.theAmethystCenter.com

MAKE YOUR ESCAPE TO THE COMFORT AND HEALING OF THE TREES!!!! Make friends with the Spirit in Nature and Tree Spirits.  Herbal healing and the natural medicines of Native American Indians were direct gifts from Mother Earth, from the “the Little People,” from our Earth’s crystal consciouness matrix and from Ancient Tree Elders! It is our birthright!
We can access this same healing medicine NOW at the Amethyst Center near Roanoke VA. 

About Azurae Windwalker

Azurae Windwalker  is an award winning shamanic journey leader and nationally known 30 year teacher of shamanic healing arts. She has developed a unique co-creative relationship with the Ancient Tree Spirits, the three Little People Medicine Men of the Amethyst Center, the Amethyst Center resident Earth Angel, The White Light Ascended Masters, the Bear Medicine Spirit, the Forest Elementals, the Fairy Folk, the Healing Sasquatch Elders Council and other Nature Spirit Beings at the 31 acre Amethyst Center Nature Spirit Healing Sanctuary. 

These magnificent beings have agreed to work with a limited number of students to help them ascend to much higher levels of health, well- being, oneness consciousness and self-mastery. 

FOR YOUR ENLIGHTENMENT and Nature Spirit Study: At the Amethyst Center you’ll find a medicine wheel herb garden, an Angel Meditation Garden. a sacred Water Deva Spring,  a stone people healing site, a Bear Spirit Medicine Grotto and several medicine wheels and portals.

The incoming energies of solar flares, computers, cell phones, Earth changes and the fear factory media conspire to short circuit our natural healing abilities and our health.  We can push out and clear our heavy fearful trauma energies easily with the guidance and support we find in Nature Spirit Energy Medicine.  The Amethyst Center is the perfect place to do this and to learn many useful techniques that were direct gifts from Nature Spirit to Azurae to be used right now to Shift up into body/mind/spirit health and soul ascension and to help Mother Earth.  It’s truly a life changing experience! Azurae has hundreds of satisfied students who agree:   

The benefits of participating in the Tree Spirit & Nature Spirit Energy Medicine Series

  •   Aids an easier ascension process into the 5th World of Self Mastery, Harmony, Unity and Cooperation.    
  •   Clears and raises the vibration of you and your property to a healthy frequency.    You receive teachings and direct healings from the fairy folk, the Little People, the devas, the tree,  herb and stone people, the elements and White Light Masters. 
  •    Communicate and forge working relations with the elementals for further independent study and healings.
  •    Increase your intuitive awareness. 
  •  Hone skills for shamanic journey problem solving,  aura strengthening, Nature Spirit Energy Medicine, clearing trauma, and balancing Divine Male/Female energies with Nature!        
  •   Learn how to build a sanctuary for Nature Spirits at home and practice Earth keeping skills 


Sat. Aug. 13- Plant and Herb Spirit Medicine - MANY HERB MEDICINES CAN YOU IDENTIFY? We have 60+ medicinal herbs growing at the Amethyst Center!  Join me for an Herb Medicine Walk and Plant Spirit Medicine Workshop Sun. June 12 at 11 am.  We will learn to tune into the essence of herb medicine plants and gain healing directly from them by spiritual connection!!! Find an Herb Totem and shamanic journey to find healing and information from it. It's fun, it's useful, it's energizing and healing!!! We might even experience some fairy fun!!!

Sat. Aug. 27 - Fairy Playshop - Have fun with the Faries and Little People. Have an  introduction to the Sasquatch Elders Healing Council. Healing Dispensations from the Spirit in Nature. Shamanic Journeying,  Rules of the Road, Inititations and hike to their favorite power spots to form your own connections with our 5Th dimensional Forest Friends!

Sat. Sept. 10 Tree Spirit Medicine - Find three tree totems and journey with them. Learn a chakra breathing technique to exchange information, healing and wisdom with your tree totems.  Learn the healing qualities of your tree totems. Receive a special healing dispensation from our Cedar Tree Medicine Men Spirits. Shamanic  Journey with your favorite tree to meet its spirit and go to the above world or directkt to the Spirit of Mother Earth. Clear your energy, Vibe UP! Learn core Practical Shamanism Techniques for Earth Sun Breathing, and Property Protection.

Sat. Oct 8 - Advanced Plant,  Herb Spirit and Tree Spirit  Medcine - Choose Plant Totems with Muscle Testing from 60 samples, Medicine Bundle Making, Dancing, Breathwork and Drumming your Plant and Herb Totems into your body  mind and  soul! Shamanic Journey with your Herb,  Tree and Plant Totem.



Sat.Aug 13 & Sat. Oct. 8

ACCESS HEALING FREQUENCIES DIRECTLY FROM HERBS, TREES AND PLANTS WITHOUT HARMING THEM? This is Plant Spirit Medicine!!! And it works for you and for Mother Earth!

HOW MANY HERB MEDICINES CAN YOU IDENTIFY? We have 60+ medicinal herbs growing at the Amethyst Center!  Join me for an Herb Medicine Walk and Plant Spirit Medicine Workshop Sat. Aug. 13 at 3 pm and Sat. Oct. 8.   We will learn to tune into the essence of herb medicine plants and gain healing directly from them by spiritual connection!!! Find an Herb Totem and shamanic journey to find healing and information from it. It's fun, it's useful, it's energizing and healing!!! We might even experience some fairy fun!!!

We will identify by muscle testing our herb medicine totems so that students can dive deeper into their uses and healing for themselves and others. 


*  Muscle testing to find the most potent herbs for your body mind spirit well being and find your herb totem.

*  Identification of 20 plus medicinal herbs.  You will receive photos with text about their uses.

*  Practice Earth Sun Breathwork to power up, balance and connect with Universal Lifeforce.

*  Connect with Reciprocal Breathwork to form co creative partnerships with herbs to exchange lifeforce energy, information and healing.

* Show your gratitude with a Plant Spirit Medicine Thanksgiving Song and sing to your plant totems to cement relations with them.

*  Learn how to connect hand drumming with herbs for sonic herbal healing.

*  Making a plant totem altar with your plant totems for a medicine bundle

* Initiation to being a Plant Totem Medicine Bundle Carrier

*  Enjoy the high vibe uplifting frequency of the Amethyst Center Nature Healing Sanctuary where the Spirit in Nature and People coexist harmoniously. 

* And play with the fairies!

DATE: Sat. Aug. 13 & Sat. Oct 8   3 pm to  7pm

WHERE: The Amethyst Center, 4443 Quarterwood Rd., Thaxton VA 24174

(All will be done outside) 20 min. from Roanoke.  40 min from Lynchburg.  3.5 miles off Hwy 460/220.

INVESTMENT: $77 for the two workshops. (limit 10 attendees)

WHAT TO BRING: Bring a journal and pen. Wear socks and hiking clothes. (Easy hike). And bug spray. Bring a bag lunch.

Bring a camera or phone to take ID pics of plants. Bring clear plastic bag for plant specimens.  Bring water and snacks. Bring a shiny, crystal or candy gift for the fairies!

PAYMENT:  Paypal $77 to azuraewwlkr@earthlink.net


LINDA KIRBY, The Amethyst Center, 4443 Quarterwood Rd., Thaxton VA 24174


During the 7 years I apprenticed with Wanda Joy in the XAT Native American Medicine Society I also assisted Herb Doctor,  Walt Medicine Bear in ceremony and in some private healings. Walt's Cherokee Heritage Herb Co. made tonics which he sold worldwide. Although I took many classes and herb walks with him,  I learned the most hanging out and listening in to his consultations with clients. 

Walt Medicine Bear and I once shared a client who had cut his foot off in a carwreck and had it sewn back on!!! Doctors didn't really give the guy much chance of recovering his ability to walk. The Spirit Docs and I did shamanic healing several times for the guy clearing and reconnecting the traumatized energy of the foot and his leg and reconnecting the neural pathway. Then in a dream a Spirit Medicine Woman, who I believe was a Plant Spirit Medicine Woman, told the client to take his shoes off and walk barefooted every day! That orgone Earth energy really did him good!!  Thankfully he showed a lot of progress. And he was strong in his prayers for healing. By that time I was really hooked on how Plant Spirit Medicine works.

Walt very effectively cleared the massive infection on the sewn back foot with oral goldenseal  medicine and poultices of goldenseal.  He healed the wound with comfrey salve! Amazingly the man healed and walked again! I learned that healing must happen in each quadrant of the medicine wheel.... Spiritual, Emotional, Physical and Mental...   to be effective. And this was certainly how this case was cured. 

After that I took many classes with top herbal teachers and hung out with herb medicine people whenever I could to learn their methods. I focused on self study and experimentation on myself. Which I still do. But mostly,  I talk to plants

I became friends with Walt Medicine Bears apprentice who was a nurse and we began teaching herb doctoring classes in Nashville after his transition. My specialty has always been the shamanic side of plant and herb spirit medicine with others doing the medical portion. I adore communicating with herbs and accessing their healing through spiritual contact.

In my 40 years of teaching Practical Shamanism and Nature Spirit Energy Medicine. I have taught Herb Doctoring at the Carilion Jefferson College of Health and at many Body Mind Spirit Expos. I have taught Plant Spirit Medicine at the Friends of Great Serpent Mound Summer Solstice Festival in OH, at the Friends of the Living Desert Museum in NM along side of Apache Medicine People and at the Amethyst  Center. I've also taught at Unity Churches and at various healing centers in the South, Midwest and East. I believe that we must remain sovereign in our health. Self care with herbs may be our best bet to survive and thrive!